As a relatively new Trust working across seven local authorities we have grown significantly over the last two years. There are now fourteen academies within the Trust spread across the Diocese of Lichfield, naturally developing into four distinct learning hubs or communities of practice.
Our strength is based on our shared belief of ‘Children First’. Everyone working within the Trust; the central team. Local Academies Committees, Trustees, Principals and staff work collaboratively to provide the very best we can for the children in our care.
We believe that all schools can improve and together we support each other to achieve this. Our academies retain their own identity and characteristics whilst ensuring their commitment to the Trust. The academies themselves are a key part of school improvement within the Trust recognising each other’s strengths and areas of development and helping each other, developing schools to school support across the Trust.
Principals play a key role in the development and success of the Trust as a whole and models of system leadership are developing strongly. When joining St Chad’s we make no excuse of expecting every academy to provide support to others where it is needed.
We believe that we can continue to succeed and model the Christian values by which we live through trust, honesty, integrity and commitment.
Vision & Values
The Trust provides a strong support system and accountability framework to enable our academies to flourish and improve, preserving the characteristics of a church academy. Our uniqueness will ensure that whilst providing the best possible education for our children and young people we will also provide the spiritual care and guidance for our children of God.
We share a high ambition to make every academy a good academy, where Local Academy Committees, leaders and staff have high expectations and aspirations for the pupils in their care. We will provide high quality training opportunities in leadership; research and professional development, growing the ‘family’ of the Trust. Academies will benefit from and contribute to this strategy.
School to school support is strength of the Trust, continuing to share best practice across academies within the Trust and outside of the Trust in a systematic and coherent manner.
Our Christian obligation, as the Diocesan MAT, provides the platform for our success: ‘Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good’. This will support the development of effective and creative models of system leadership whilst maintaining their individuality.
All academies, from the high performers to the most vulnerable, will access and receive the appropriate support and challenge to improve further. All academies will be good and outstanding. St Chad’s Academies Trust is committed to raising and sustaining high standards of achievement focusing on the aspirations, expectations and confidence of pupils, working with staff, the Local Academy Committee, parents and the community. In keeping the Children First focus of the strategy, high quality educational experiences will be the expectation across all academies.
professional development is a key strand of the strategy and success. Quality training and support will be provided to ensure teaching is never less than good. Our ambition is to provide and support a professional body of the highest quality. St Chad’s Academies Trust recognises that leaders and staff are key agents of change and will work collaboratively to secure the best possible outcomes for pupils, staff, the Local Academy Committee, parents and the community.
St. Chad’s Academies Trust will actively promote and support the development of thriving learning communities and work relentlessly with the Local Academy Committee to enrich and enhance parental engagement, strengthening the role of academy within the community and parish.
Please click here to access St. Chad's Academies Trust Articles of Association, Trustee Report and the St. Chad's Structure.
For Financial policies and statements click here.
St Chad’s Academies Trust
c/o Birchills CE Community Academy
Farringdon Street
T: 01543 622433