In 1616, William Parker, a London merchant tailor from Bloxwich, left land to the Merchant Tailors Company to provide £20 annually for the minister of Bloxwich Chapel to teach the boys of the area to read English, in either the chapel or the minister’s house. By the early 19th century the minister paid a master to teach 15 poor boys to read. In 1826 John Baylie, the newly appointed minister, occupied the house, and the school declined into a Sunday school, meeting in public house club-rooms. Baylie re-established the school in 1828 as a National School for boys and girls, built on the present site off the High Street, on land given by Lord Bradford. Fees of 1d or 2d a week were charged but 15 boys were still taught free of charge as per the Parker bequest. In 1833, 108 boys and 70 girls attended on weekdays, and 140 boys and 80 girls on Sundays. The school was rebuilt in 1862, enlarged in 1900 and 1931. By then it was called Bloxwich Church of England School, it was re-organised as a senior mixed and junior mixed and infants schools.
(The Bloxwich National School - 1931)
The school then became Bloxwich Church of England JMI/Primary School, until 2015 when it became All Saints National Academy, part of St. Chad's Academies Trust family.
(All Saints National Academy - Present Day)
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